This article will guide you through the steps of exporting your charges into ACS Realm.
First Import:
For your initial setup, you will need to customize your Flatfile Export file and your ACS Realm import template. You only need to do this one time to set up your import. Please follow Steps 1-6 below. If you need any assistance in this process please schedule an integration meeting using this link.
Ongoing Statement Imports:
Once you have completed the steps below, all you will need to do to import a new statement into ACS Realm is export the file from KleerCard as noted in Step 2 below, then open ACS Realm, and navigate to Transactions> General Ledger> Import. Choose your saved KleerCard Import template, and add the new Statement.CSV file, then click next, scroll to the bottom of the mapping section to click next, then review the import and Finish.
Step 1. Create your Export File You will start in your KleerCard portal. Navigate to Settings, and under Accounting Integrations choose Flatfile Exports then choose the Charges tab.
Under Settings, turn on Show expenses as negative. Then click the Columns tab
Click Add Column at the bottom of the columns section.
You will then set the following column Values for Names, Fixed Value, Column Values for each added column.
Column 1 Name Unique ID (TranID in video); Fixed Value Off; Dropdown: Unique ID
Column 2 Type; Fixed Value On; Enter “CCC”
Column 3 Payment Date; Fixed Value Off; Dropdown: Date Posted
Column 4 Account; Fixed Value Off; Dropdown: Account Code
Column 5 Account Description; Fixed Value Off; Dropdown: Account Name
Column 6 Amount; Fixed Value Off; Dropdown: Line Amount
Column 7 Comments; Fixed Value Off; Dropdown: Line Memo
Column 8 Payee; Fixed Value On; enter “KleerCard”
Column 9 Merchant; Fixed Value Off; Merchant
*if you're additional segments (funds/departments/etc.) they should also be included in the column settings as additional columns.
Save your Column settings
Step 2: Export KleerCard Charges
Navigate to Statements in your KleerCard menu, and click Statements tab at top.
Click the Download Icon to the right of the statement, and Download CSV. We will email this, but if you click your name in the bottom left of the dash you can access recent downloads immediately.
Edit ACS Realm Settings
Step 3: Add a Core account to the chart of accounts.
Go to the Chart of accounts in the ledger setup, and find your Current Liabilities section. Here, you will choose the dots to the right of your Heading, and Add Core Account where applicable.
Enter your preferred Core Account Code, Name (KleerCard), Account Type: Credit Card, Bank Account: KleerCard, Choose your Cash Flow Line (often Other Operating ...).
Step 4 Add KleerCard as an ACS Realm Vendor
Step 5 Create your Import File
Import the file into Realm by navigating to Transactions> General Ledger> Import
Add New Import
Template Name: KleerCard
Import from File: Choose Exported statement (CSV file)
General Section
Select Import File has a header
Don’t select Field Values Instead of Field Names
Match Section
Match by Account = Code
Match by Transaction Type = Code
Match by Project = Code
Transactions Section
Check Offset all entries to a single account
Click drop-down: choose the Core Account created in Step 3
Select "Use the Amount field to determine debit or credit"
Step 6: Edit Import Mapping
Transaction ID: Unique ID
Fund: choose the appropriate column if funds are used.
Core Account: Account
Comment: Comments
Transaction Date: Payment Date
Transaction Description: Merchant
Transaction Type: Type & Default DropDown: Credit Card Charge
Payee: Payee
Amount: Amount
Click Next then review for errors & Finish.
Post imported charges.